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Function And Formation of Blind And Buried Vias


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Introduction to Vias:

Vias are crucial elements in multilayer PCBs, serving as essential connections between different layers. Proper utilization of vias can significantly optimize signal traces. Especially in HDI PCBs, the size of vias plays a critical role. Smaller vias allow for more efficient use of trace space and provide additional room for components.

Types of Vias:

Among various types of holes in PCBs, through-holes (VIA) are the most commonly used. Even before the actual layout of traces and component placement, vias occupy a considerable portion of PCB real estate. It's important to note that when vias are used in an FPGA package, a through-hole matrix is formed on the opposite side of the PCB, potentially limiting available space for traces and components.

pcb with blind and buried vias

To optimize PCB traces and create more room for components, two types of vias can be utilized effectively:

1. Blind Holes (Micro Blind Vias):

These holes connect adjacent layers within the PCB. Blind holes save significant wiring space, particularly in FPGA packages. Unlike through-holes drilled from one side to the other, blind holes save space on both the top and bottom sides of the device. They are typically formed using laser drilling techniques.

2. Buried Vias (Buried Via):

Buried vias establish connections between inner layers of the PCB and are located below the surface. By keeping connections beneath the surface, buried vias maximize space for trace layouts on the PCB surface and provide more flexibility for component soldering. Moreover, buried vias prevent Stub formation, which can act as capacitive elements affecting signal integrity. Further exploration of Stub-related issues will be discussed in future studies.


Understanding the role and types of vias in PCB design is essential for optimizing signal integrity, trace layout efficiency, and component placement. Utilizing blind and buried vias strategically can significantly enhance the performance and reliability of PCB designs.

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