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RF microwave technology in PCB


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Looking back at 2014, a few key technologies were prevalent in the news. 5G research and prototyping took off as investment in this area has quickly expanded with support from industry and academia. This happened at the same time as the 4G rollout gathered steam, especially in the Chinese market where demand for components has been strong. CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) continued to advance in the RF marketplace by showing off single chip RF fronts ends for 4G handsets and integrated mmWave AESA chips with up to 16 elements.

Although CMOS has taken more market share in the RF marketplace along with GaN, GaAs still has a major presence in our industry due to its flexibility and already established manufacturing infrastructure. As the focus for more efficient amplifiers continued, envelope tracking came into the mainstream as a MIPI standard.

To kick off the 2015, the January Radar and Antenna issue will feature a cover story about microwave omni-directional cloaking using a meta-material made from fractal traces. In our February High Frequency Components/Boards/Systems issue, we will feature a new selective plating process for PCBs that enables smaller line widths, is lower cost and more environmental friendly than traditional PCB plate and etch processes. This technology could enable higher performance PCBs for microwave applications and is being licensed to several companies. An app note on filter modeling on PCBs will also be in this issue.


rf microwave pcb

As the same time, we are the leading “High Mix, Low Volume and Quick Turn” High-Tech PCB service enterprise worldwide, developing new processes and technologies for its customers. Leading the company, CEO John Xu possess over 20 years of RF/microwave experience. The company is special for the RF/microwave industry sector. 

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