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PCB copy step by step


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Successfully copy a PCB project may not appears to be as simple as people might think. For some simple PCB projects, we get them copied in a flash. But, for more than 50% of the cases, a PCB project need to be analyzed of potential risks of failure, to be planned with steps to execute the works, and also smooth communications may be needed especially during the negotiation and testing stages.

First, get a piece of PCB, first of all good on paper records vitality of the model parameters, and the location, especially the direction of diodes, transistors direction, IC gap. The best photos with a digital camera to shoot two components location.

The second step, to remove all the devices, and the PAD holes in the tin removed. The PCB clean with alcohol, and then placed in the scanner, start POHTOSHOP, the way the screen surface with a color sweep, and print them out for use.

The third step, water and paper yarn and the TOP LAYER BOTTOM LAYER two minor sanding, grinding to a shiny copper film, into the scanner, start PHOTOSHOP, two color ways were swept into. Note, PCB placed in the scanner must be horizontal tree, otherwise the scanned images can not be used.

The fourth step is to adjust the contrast of the canvas, shading, so that some portion of the copper film and the copper film is no strong contrast, this figure is then converted to black and white, check the line is clear, if not clear, repeat this step. If clear, the survival of black and white BMP format files TOP.BMP and BOT.BMP.

The fifth step, the two file formats are BMP format files into PROTEL, transferred two in PROTEL, if the location of two of the PAD and VIA basic overlap, indicating that the first few steps to do well, if there is deviation, repeat the third step.


The sixth step, the TOP.BMP into TOP.PCB, pay attention to the conversion to the SILK layer, that layer is yellow, then you are in TOP layer scanning line is it, and place the device according to the second step of the drawing. After drawing the SILK layer deleted.

The seventh step, the BOT.BMP into BOT.PCB, pay attention to the conversion to the SILK layer, that layer is yellow, then you are in BOT layer scanning lines it wants. After drawing the SILK layer deleted.

The eighth step in PROTEL will TOP.PCB and BOT.PCB transferred, combined into a graph on OK.

PCB reverse engineering in progress

The ninth step, using a laser printer TOP LAYER, BOTTOM LAYER were printed onto a transparent film (1:1 ratio), the film put the piece on the PCB, a comparison is wrong, if yes, you're done.
In general, copying a PCB project involves following procedure, just Contact Shenzhen PCB manufacturer SysPCB to get our professional consultant on your project.
A. PCB project photo evaluation.
B. Be briefed with costs, hurdles and risks, suggested with steps to work.
C. Perform testing after getting the files or samples.
D. Feed back when encounter with problems on testing. 

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